
Showing posts from October, 2019

Conspiracy fact v. conspiracy theory: Michael Shermer on which is which

Why do conservative pols have the 'Red State Blues'? Matt Grossmann explains.

'Woke' author Andrew Doyle, Titania McGrath's creator, on the casualties of social justice warfare

What is the future of video game streaming? Brittany Venti explains.

From Pentecostal pastor to LGBT activist: Anthony Venn-Brown on 'A Life of Unlearning'

Fake news is a problem -- just how serious, though? 'Hoaxed' author Mike Cernovich explains.

Should you prepare for the economy to tank? Jim Rickards thinks so -- and explains why.

First Amendment auditing: Why is it so important? Rogue Nation's Captain Awesome explains.

Left and right agree: Fight monopolies. Matt Stoller explains why.

Young, politically active ... and anti-left: Nick Fuentes on America's right-wing youth

America, 2019: Fanatical politics. Groupthink. Tribalism. Why? Douglas Murray explains.